Tag Archives: Tunnel Construction

Tunnel Construction

Far West Hub Project

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TCD were engaged by Fortescue for the Far Web Hub Project – Detailed Earthworks and the Supply and Construction of Culverts and a Tunnel.

The scope of works included:

  • Tunnel: Supply and installation of 1 overpass tunnel, inclusive of the concrete tunnel footings, backfilling and compacting earthworks around the tunnel to the final overpass RL levels.
  • Culverts: Supply and installation of 10 banks of CSP culverts and associated scour protection, inclusive of the cutting, forming and trimming drainage entry and exit channels, backfilling earthworks around the culverts and forming and finishing the earthworks to the final RL’s along the chainage.
  • Detailed Earthworks: Complete detailed earthworks for the CV010 RLC along the full conveyor chainage (approximately 10.4km in length), including sheeting to finish the final RL levels. Works included the forming and finishing LV windrows for maintenance tracks along the entire length of the RLC and all and many other temporary miscellaneous civil and earthworks.
  • Crusher Pad Foundation: Detailed earthworks for Hopper 010 primary crushing pad foundation, excavations for footings and construction pads, including foundation earthworks for Hopper 10’s discharge conveyor.


Cloud Break Mine Site
Project Duration
Project Start
April 2021
Project Finish
September 2021


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Tunnel Construction

Eastern Leases Arch Install

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TCD were engaged by Q H & M Birt for the installation of a corrugated steel tunnel to support a new heavy vehicle hail road creek crossing as part of the Eastern Leases mine expansion works on Groote Eylandt, in the Northern Territory, for the Principal GEMCO / South32.

The tunnel was a 71m long, 16m wide and 5.5m high structure with a second layer of external ribs required to give it additional strength.

The tunnel consisted of over 1,000no. individual plate segments weighing up to 300kgs each and held together with approximately 20,000 bolts.

The assembly had to follow the stringent manufacturers recommendations in terms of both sequencing and bolt torque requirements to ensure both stability during construction and that it meets its design load requirements.

Construction was carried out at the start of the Northern Territory wet season in extremely hot, humid conditions punctuated by frequent storm events which would result in the creek flowing and restricted access for our cranes and EWP’s.



Total Project Cost

QH&M Birt Pty Ltd
Groote Eylandt, NT
Project Duration
4 Months
Project Start
September 2022
Project Finish
December 2022


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